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Import Legislation

  1. Import Regime of Türkiye
    1. Import Regime Decree - No: 95/7606
    2. Import Regulation
  2. Turkish Legislation on Safeguards

    1. Decree on the Safeguard Measures For Import-No:2004/7305
    2. Regulation On The Safeguard Measures For Imports
  3. Anti-Dumping

    1. Anti-Dumping Practices In Türkiye
    2. Anti-Dumping Measures in Force
    3. Legislation on Prevention of Unfair Competition in Importation

  4. Technical Regulations and Standardization For Foreign Trade

    1. Standardization Legislation
    2. The Law Relating To The Preparation And Implementation Of The Technical Legislation On The Products-No: 4703
    3. Regulation on Machinery Safety (98/37/EC)
    4. Regulation on the Electrical Equipment Designed for Use within Certain Voltage Limits (2006/95/EC)
    5. Regulation of Electromagnetic Compatibility (89/336/EC)
    6. Regulation on In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices ( 98/79/EEC)
    7. Regulation on Lifts (95/16/EC)
    8. Regulation on Pressure Equipment (97/23/EC)
    9. Regulation on Simple Pressure Vessels (87/404/EC)
    10. Law No: 4457 On Establishment And Tasks Of Turkish Accreditation Agency